
Matilde Cappelletti (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research) 13.3.2025

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 13.3.2025 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet Matilde Cappelletti (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)  o „Targeted Bidders in Government Tenders“. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. It is also possible to participate online […]

Matilde Cappelletti (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research) 13.3.2025

Deborah Novakova (Academic skills center, CERGE-EI) 6.3.2025

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 6.3.2025 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet dr. Deborah Novakova (ASC CERGE-EI) o „Writing and Presenting in Today’s Competitive Academic Environment“. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. It is also possible to participate online via MS Teams […]

Deborah Novakova (Academic skills center, CERGE-EI) 6.3.2025

Ján Žilinský (TUM) 12.12.2024

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 12.12.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet Ján Žilinský (TUM) o „he Politics of Anti-technology and Anti-AI Sentiment.“ Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. It is also possible to participate online via MS Teams at this link. ABSTRACT: The […]

Ján Žilinský (TUM) 12.12.2024

Tomáš Cvrček (UCL) 5.12.2024

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 5.12.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet Tomáš Cvrček (UCL) o „Was the Industrial Revolution censored in Austria before 1848? Industrial Revolution Uncensored: Institutional Change and Useful Human Capital in the Wake of the 1848 Revolutions.“ Registration is not required and anyone who would […]

Tomáš Cvrček (UCL) 5.12.2024

Gonul Colak (University of Sussex and Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki) 28.11.2024

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 28.11.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet Gonul Colak (University of Sussex and Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki) o „The Effects of Government Debt on Corporate Borrowing in Developing Economies: Evidence From Africa.“ Registration is not required and anyone who would […]

Gonul Colak (University of Sussex and Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki) 28.11.2024

Christian Thöni (University of Lausane) 14.11.2024

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 14.11.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet Christian Thöni (University of Lausane)  o „The Complementarity of Good Institutions and Voluntary Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from 43 Societies.“ Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. It is also […]

Christian Thöni (University of Lausane) 14.11.2024

William Addessi (University of Cagliari) 8.11.2024 ZRUŠENO

Seminář je důvodu nemoci přednášejícího zrušen. V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám v pátek 8.11.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB359 bude přednášet William Addessi (University of Cagliari) o „The Welfare Effect of Differences in Sectoral Price Dynamics among Italian Regions.“ Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is […]

William Addessi (University of Cagliari) 8.11.2024 ZRUŠENO

Magdalena Domínguez (Institute for Fiscal Studies) 7.11.2024

V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám ve čtvrtek 7.11.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB437 bude přednášet Magdalena Domínguez (Institute for Fiscal Studies)  o „Effects of Neighborhood Labeling on Student Performance and Sorting.“ Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. It is also possible to participate […]

Magdalena Domínguez (Institute for Fiscal Studies) 7.11.2024