Letní semestr 2024/2025
- February 27, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Clara Sievert (CERGE-EI): „Supernatural Beliefs about Illness and Modern Medicine Use: Evidence from the DRC“
- Specialization: political economy, development economics, experiments
- March 6, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Deborah Nováková (Academic Skills Centre CERGE-EI): „Writing and Presenting in Today’s Competitive Academic Environment“
- Specialization: academic writing
- March 13, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Matilde Cappelletti (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research): „Targeted Bidders in Government Tenders“
- Specialization: public finance
- March 20, 2025, 12:45, RB338
- Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch (DICE): „Who is in Favor of Affirmative Action? Representative Evidence from Two Experiments and a Survey“
- Specialization: behavioral and experimental economics
- March 27, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Lukáš Lafférs (Matej Bel University; Norwegian School of Economics): „Testing identification in mediation and dynamic treatment models“
- Specialization: econometric theory, labor economics
- April 3, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Emir Efendić (Maastricht University): „TBA“
- Specialization: management, psychology, behavior
- April 10, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Mostafa Goudarzi (LUT Business School, Finland): „TBA“
- Specialization: finance, management
- April 17, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Jaakko Meriläinen (Stockholm School of Economics): „Long-Run Consequences of Marxism in the Classroom: Evidence from an Experiment“
- Specialization: political economy
- April 24, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- Andreea Mitrut (University of Gothenburg): „TBA“
- Specialization: labor economics, public economics
- May 15, 2025, 12:45, RB437
- William Addessi (University of Cagliari): „TBA“
- Specialization: Macroeconomics, labour, multisectoral economics
Zimní semestr 2024/2025
- September 26, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Vladimír Hlásný (UN ESCWA): „Bottom incomes and the measurement of poverty and inequality“
- October 10, 2024, 12:45, RB338
- Oana Borcan (University of East Anglia): „Positive Disruption? Meritocratic Principal Selection and Student Achievement“
- October 17, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Christian Zimpelmann (University of Hamburg): „Can Work from Home Help Balance the Parental Division of Labor?“
- October 31, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Robbert Maseland (Radboud University Nijmegen): „Long live the Nigerian-Fijian Empire! – Persistent Effects of Horizontal Institutional Transfer in the Late British Empire“
- November 7, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Magdalena Domínguez (Institute for Fiscal Studies): „Effects of Neighborhood Labeling on Student Performance and Sorting“
- November 8, 2024, 12:45, RB359
William Addessi (University of Cagliari):„The Welfare Effect of Differences in Sectoral Price Dynamics among Italian Regions“– CANCELLED
- November 14, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Christian Thöni (University of Lausane): „The Complementarity of Good Institutions and Voluntary Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from 43 Societies“
- November 28, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Gonul Colak (University of Sussex and Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki): „The Effects of Government Debt on Corporate Borrowing in Developing Economies: Evidence From Africa“
- December 5, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Tomáš Cvrček (UCL): „Was the Industrial Revolution censored in Austria before 1848? Industrial Revolution Uncensored: Institutional Change and Useful Human Capital in the Wake of the 1848 Revolutions.“
- December 12, 2024, 12:45, RB437
- Ján Žilinský (TUM): „Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and the Politics of Anti-Technology“