William Addessi (University of Cagliari) 8.11.2024 ZRUŠENO
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V rámci Research Seminar Series in Economics máme tu čest, že nám v pátek 8.11.2024 od 12:45 do 14:15 v místnosti RB359 bude přednášet William Addessi (University of Cagliari) o „The Welfare Effect of Differences in Sectoral Price Dynamics among Italian Regions.“
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ABSTRACT: We analyze the evolution of the composition of consumption expenditure in the Italian regions from 1995 to 2019, examining the impact of sectoral price dynamics on the representative household’s welfare. In line with the mainstream of the macroeconomic literature, this paper relies on a parsimonious structural model characterized by non-homothetic preferences in order to include the role of income dynamics, but it also explicitly considers the evolution of preferences. In order to identify the scope for policy intervention, we establish a benchmark of sectoral price dynamics at the national level and we assess the extent to which regions have been affected by local price dynamics and the contribution of each sector to the welfare loss. The main objectives of the paper are: i) to assess the contribution of preference dynamics in shaping changes in expenditure shares; ii) to determine the importance of using a structural model with and without preference dynamics when analyzing the welfare implications of price dynamics; iii) to identify the impact of the different Coicop sectors on regional welfare losses due to price increases.
BIO: William Addessi is an associate professor in Economics at the University of Cagliari and an affiliated researcher at the Centre for North South Economic Research (CRENoS), Italy. He has a Master’s degree in International Economics from the University of Roma Tor Vergata and a PhD in Economics from the University of Roma Tre. He has worked at the University of Roma La Sapienza, the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), the University of Sassari, and the University of Limerick. William held visiting positions at the University of Oxford, the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), and the University di Corsica. He attended several summer schools in general equilibrium models, numerical methods, labor economics, and spatial econometrics at CEPREMAP and the universities of Amsterdam, Cagliari, Mainz, and Vienna. His research interests include labor economics, business cycle, and multi-sectoral economics. He published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Economics Letters, The B. E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Economic Modelling, Journal of Financial Stability, Regional Studies, Review of World Economics, and World Economy. Furthermore, William contributed to the OECD Handbook on labor market transformation. Since his PhD, he has studied the role of consumer preferences in Macroeconomics, investigating how to elicit preferences, how they affect the business cycle and the sectoral composition of aggregate variables, and how they change over time. He also deepened the consequences of the increasing use of temporary labor contracts, analyzing how they affect productivity and innovation activity from the firm side and the paternity choice from the workers’ perspective.