Research Seminar Series in 2023/2024

As the academic year 2023/2024 comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect on the enriching experiences provided by the Research Seminar Series. It has been a year filled with insightful presentations, thought-provoking discussions, and invaluable learning opportunities.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the speakers who shared their cutting-edge research and knowledge with us. Your contributions have been the cornerstone of the series’ success. We had the pleasure of hosting sessions such as:

  • Galo Nuño from the Bank of Spain, who on February 15, 2024, presented “Navigating by Falling Stars: Monetary Policy with Fiscally-driven Natural Rates”, enlightening us on the complexities of monetary policy in a changing economic landscape.
  • Deborah Novakova from the Academic Skills Center, CERGE-EI, who on March 7, 2024, delivered a methodological seminar on “Writing and Presenting in Today’s Competitive Academic Environment”, offering invaluable advice for academic success.
  • Laura Khoury from Paris-Dauphine PSL, who on March 14, 2024, discussed “Peer effects in Prison”, providing insights into the social dynamics within correctional facilities.
  • Arianna Ornaghi from the Hertie School in Berlin, who on March 21, 2024, analyzed “The Returns to Viral Media: The Case of US Campaign Contributions”, exploring the influence of media on political finance.
  • Diego Aparicio from IESE Business School, University of Navarra, who on March 28, 2024, presented “Concealing Prices”, shedding light on strategic pricing in marketing.
  • Hamed Ghiaie from ESCP Business School, who on April 4, 2024, discussed “Housing, the Credit Market and ECB’s Asset Purchase Programmes”, examining the interplay between housing markets and monetary policy.
  • Theodore Koutmeridis from the University of Glasgow, who on April 11, 2024, presented “Corporate Inequality and Disadvantage in the Workplace: Payroll Evidence from a Financial Sector Firm”, addressing corporate inequality and its implications.
  • Mehmet Ugur from Greenwich University, who on April 18, 2024, analyzed “Effects of innovation and markups on labour share and employment: Evidence on direct and mediating effects in OECD industries”, discussing the economic impact of innovation and market structures.
  • Andreas Bergh from Lund University, who on May 2, 2024, presented “Can University Decentralization Reduce Educational Inequality? Evaluating the 1977 Swedish reform”, offering a critical analysis of educational reforms and their impact on inequality.
  • Benoit Desmarchelier from Université Lille, who on May 9, 2024, discussed “Recommender Systems and Social Disintegration: Insights from Agent-Based Modelling”, delving into the effects of technology on social cohesion.
  • Jason Sockin from IZA Berlin, who on May 10, 2024, explored “Will I Ever Be Satisfied? Job Quality and Unionization”, examining the relationship between job satisfaction and labor unions.
  • Ourania Dimakou from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos & IE University, who on May 16, 2024, questioned “Beyond GDP: Is Okun’s Law still fit?”, challenging traditional economic indicators in the context of health and institutions.
  • Giandomenica Becchio from the University of Torino, who on May 17, 2024, presented “The Doctrine of the Separate Spheres in Political Economy and Economics”, providing a historical perspective on gender roles in economics.
  • Christian Bjørnskov from Aarhus University, who on May 23, 2024, analyzed “How long is the Economic Legacy of Autocracy?”, investigating the lasting economic effects of autocratic regimes.
  • Jakub Steiner from CERGE-EI and the University of Zurich, who on May 30, 2024, presented “Constrained data-fitters”, discussing theoretical and behavioral aspects of data interpretation.

A special thanks goes to the dedicated organizers and the attendees, whose engagement and enthusiasm have made these seminars a vibrant platform for academic exchange.

Looking ahead, we are excited for the upcoming academic year and the new opportunities it will bring for learning and collaboration. Here’s to another year of discovery and academic excellence!

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