
James Tremewan (IESEG School of Management) 14.12.2023

It is our pleasure that Dr. James Tremewan (IESEG School of Management) will present on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB437 about his research on the topic “Norm-related beliefs and vaccination rates of nurses in France”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. ABSTRACT: Health authorities in France are concerned about low […]

James Tremewan (IESEG School of Management) 14.12.2023

Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 11.12.2023 MONDAY in RB338

It is our pleasure that Prof. Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) will present on Monday, December 11, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB338 about his research on the topic „Robots and Workers: Evidence from the Netherlands“. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. Co-authors: Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Hans Koster […]

Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 11.12.2023 MONDAY in RB338

Michelle Battisti (Glasgow University) FRIDAY 1.12.2023

It is our pleasure that Dr. Michele Battisti (Glasgow University) will present on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB338 about his research on the topic „Parenthood Effects on Labour Market Skills”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. Link to calendar event Abstract Pronounced child penalties in labour market […]

Michelle Battisti (Glasgow University) FRIDAY 1.12.2023

Vassilis Sarantides (Athens University of Economics and Business) 30.11.2023

It is our pleasure that Dr. Vassilis Sarantides (Athens University of Economics and Business) will present on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB437 about his research on the topic „Historical pathogen prevalence and the radius of trust“. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. ABSTRACT: Why […]

Vassilis Sarantides (Athens University of Economics and Business) 30.11.2023

Asta Pundzienė (Kaunas University of Technologyand UC Berkeley) 23.11.2023

It is our pleasure that Prof. Asta Pundziene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania and UC Berkeley, CA, USA) will present on Thursday, November 23, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB435 about her research on the topic “Benefiting from Digital Innovations – Data Co-specialization in Multi-sided Platforms”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly […]

Asta Pundzienė (Kaunas University of Technologyand UC Berkeley) 23.11.2023

John Howells (University College London) 16.11.2023

It is our pleasure that dr. John Howells (Institute of Brand and Innovation Law, University College London) will present on Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB437 about his research on the topic “The Chilling Effect of Government intervention on Early US Radio Technology Development”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like […]

John Howells (University College London) 16.11.2023

Marco Avarucci (University of Glasgow) 10.11.2023 FRIDAY

It is our pleasure that Dr. Marco Avarucci (University of Glasgow) will present on Friday, November 10, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB 338 about his research on the topic „Frequency-Band Estimation of the Number of Factors- Detecting the Main Business Cycle Shocks“. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. ABSTRACT: We […]

Marco Avarucci (University of Glasgow) 10.11.2023 FRIDAY

Melis Kartal (Vienna University of Economics and Business) 9.11.2023

It is our pleasure that Dr. Melis Kartal (Vienna University of Economics and Business) will present on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB437 about her research on the topic „A new approach to the analysis of cooperation under the shadow of the future: Theory and experimental evidence”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to […]

Melis Kartal (Vienna University of Economics and Business) 9.11.2023

Sergiu Burlacu (IRVAPP) 2.11.2023

It is our pleasure that dr. Sergiu Burlacu (The Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP)) will present on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB437 about her research on the topic “The Effect of Temporary Employment on Labour Market Outcomes”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend […]

Sergiu Burlacu (IRVAPP) 2.11.2023

Alisher Aldashev (Kazakh-British Technical University) 27.10.2023

It is our pleasure that Dr. Alisher Aldashev (Kazakh-British Technical University) will present on Friday, October 27, 2023, at 12:45 in room RB109 about his research on the topic “Festivity spending rate race and underdevelopment: Theory and evidence from Central Asia”. Registration is not required and anyone who would like to attend is warmly invited. ABSTRACT: We examine […]

Alisher Aldashev (Kazakh-British Technical University) 27.10.2023

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