prof. Matthias Sutter (MPI Bonn) introduces his new book at VŠE (not a research seminar)

Prof. Matthias Sutter, a leading economist from Germany’s world-renowned Max Planck Institute, will introduce his new book Behavioral economics for leaders at VŠE on Tuesday March 21, at 9:15 in room RB212. His book is about what every leader should know – the surprising research and strange conclusions of behavioral economics–for fairness, teamwork and productivity. The book explains how people tick, how they react to incentives (monetary or non-monetary in nature) and what that means for working together—or against each other—at work. Prof. Sutter summarizes new and classic behavorial science research that applies the everyday business world, so leaders can improve teams and organizations, the research-based way generated by the author’s 20 year long experience in top research—plus the findings of other world’s top behavioral economists.
BIO: Matthias Sutter has been Director at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods since August 2017. He is also part-time professor of experimental economics at the Universities of Cologne and Innsbruck. He got his PhD in economics (1999) from the University of Innsbruck where he also finished his habilitation (2002). His research focuses on the experimental analysis of team decision making, credence goods markets, and the development of economic decision making with age. He has published his work in all top-5 journals of economics (QJE, AER, JPE, ECMA, REStud), and also in Science, Nature Communications, PNAS, Management Science, and other top journals. He is currently Associate Editor of “Management Science”, of “European Economic Review”, of “Quantitative Economics” and of “Economics Letters”, and Editorial Board Member of “Experimental Economics” and of “Journal of the Economic Science Association”. His work earned him several prizes, among others the Hans Kelsen Prize of the University of Cologne (2017), the Exeter Prize for Research in Experimental Economics, Decision Theory and Behavioral Economics (2015), Science Prize of the State of Tyrol (2009), the Honorary Prize for Science of the State of Vorarlberg (2008) and the Oberbank Science Prize (2004). He also writes popular science books, in 2014 “Die Entdeckung der Geduld” (translated into Chinese and Turkish), in 2022 “Der menschliche Faktor oder worauf es im Berufsleben ankommt”. The latter was published in English as “Behavioral Economics for Leaders“, which he will introduce at his open lecture.